To coincide with R U OK? Day, here is a list of valuable mental health resources to support children, families and team members.
Trident Early Learning - Childcare Blog
Father's Day Celebrations

We had an absolute ball celebrating the special men and people in our lives at our annual Father's Day celebrations.
We Love ECE Day!

Another wonderful Early Childhood Educators Day has come and gone, and boy, did we celebrate big this year!
Your Local Council

Did you know that your local council has lots of fun and educational activities for you and your family to get involved in?
Finding the Answers

Do you need answers, want to challenge your own thinking, or are interested in reading up on why ECEC services do what they do?
Children's Book Week 2023

Children's Book Week is an annual event on our calendars, where we celebrate books, and Australian children's authors and illustrators.
We Love Sport!

Throughout August, we have embraced our nation's favourite pasttime by watching, playing and enjoying lots of sport!
Bringing Life to a Play Space

Setting up a great learning environment is very achievable. All you need are your ideas and some small resources!
Stretching Our Bodies

Throughout August, all four of our centres participated in a relaxing incursion with Lois from Sprouts Yoga.
Wear Your Jeans for Research

Kids on Gallaghers and Glen Iris celebrated Jeans for Genes Day to raise money for the Children's Medical Research Institute.